Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 and School

1. Q: My student has one of the symptoms of COVID-19. What should I do?

A: If your student has any of the symptoms listed on the daily screening form, keep your child home, notify the school and then choose one of these options:

  • Contact your healthcare provider and see if testing is recommended.

    • If your student gets tested, you must keep your student home until test results are back and your student has been cleared to return by the school nurse.

    • If your provider does not recommend testing, make sure to obtain a note stating that your child is non-contagious and cleared to return to campus. If the symptoms are related to a known condition (i.e. allergies, migraines, etc), please have your provider write a note stating the condition--we will add that information to your student's medical history so if these symptoms return we will already have the information on file.

  • If you choose not to contact your doctor or have your student tested, your child must stay home for 10 days starting from symptom onset.

2. Q: My student had a few symptoms over the weekend but now feels fine. Can they come to school?

A: Please see the guidance in question #1--your student will need to be cleared before they can return to campus.

3. Q: My student just has allergies and does not have a fever. Can they come to school?

A:. Please see the guidance in question #1. Unfortunately, COVID-19 does not have a typical presentation and many people test positive with only one symptom and often without a fever. If your child has known seasonal allergies or another known health condition that may mimic some of the COVID symptoms, please have your health care provider submit a note stating the medical condition, typical symptoms, and that your student is not contagious.

4. Q: What should I do if my student has been around someone who tested positive?

A: If your student has been identified as a close contact of a positive case (close contact is defined as less than 6 feet for more than 15 cumulative minutes), your child will need to quarantine for 14 days starting on the last date of exposure. Contact the school nurse to review quarantine guidelines, discuss testing options and return to school dates.

5. Q: What if someone in my household tests positive but my student has no symptoms--can they still go to school?

A: No. Household exposures are considered to be close contact exposures and your student, along with the rest of the household, will need to quarantine. Contact the school nurse to review quarantine guidelines, discuss testing options and return to school dates.

6. Q: Is testing mandatory if my student has symptoms or is identified as a close contact?

A: No, testing is not mandatory but is recommended.

7. Q: If my student is on quarantine, has no symptoms and receives a negative test result, can they go back to school?

A: NO, a negative test result DOES NOT shorten the quarantine time.

Additional FAQ information can be found at the Placer County website

Contact: Nursing Department

Placer Union High School District

13000 New Airport Road

Auburn, California 95603


...committed to student learning through teaching excellence in a supportive environment.