Medications at School

The health and safety of students in the school environment is one of our highest priorities. If your student has a health condition, please inform us so that we may provide any necessary support and information for staff and teachers. The school district recognizes that it is necessary to have medication given to students during regular school hours, and we are prepared to assist in that need. It is preferable; however, if you and your health care provider can arrange the giving of medication on a schedule outside of school hours. You or your designee may come to school to administer medication to your child on a scheduled basis arranged with the school.

With the exception of asthma inhalers, Insulin, Glucagon and Epi-pens, students are not permitted to carry prescribed OR over-the-counter medication on a school campus.

The California Education Code, Section 49423, permits schools to assist with giving medication during the school day. The requirements for schools dispensing prescription and over-the-counter medications are:

The licensed health care provider* (who must be licensed in California) provides written directions and authorization for the medication prescribed on a District Medication Authorization form; a separate form is required for each medication.

The parent/guardian authorizes the child to receive medication at school on the same district form(s).Medication will be distributed by school staff in serviced by the district school nurse.

The medication supply is brought to school by the parent/guardian or an adult representative, in a pharmacy container**. Over-the-counter medication must be in the original unopened package with the student’s name on the bottle.

The renewal of a district form is needed whenever the prescription changes and at the beginning of each school year.

You may pick up unused medications from the school office during and at the close of the school year. Medication remaining after the last day will be discarded.

*California M.D., D.D.S., Podiatrist licensed, or Nurse Practitioner with furnishing license.

**Labeled by a California pharmacist.


Medication Authorization Form (English)

Medication Authorization Form (Spanish)

Contact: Nursing Department

Placer Union High School District

13000 New Airport Road

Auburn, California 95603


...committed to student learning through teaching excellence in a supportive environment.