Above: The Department of Sociology & Anthropology in 2022, during my tenure as department chair.

Service has been a central component of my academic career, and over the years I have sought out opportunities to serve my university, my department and program, and to create new opportunities for students. I have managed numerous projects, including a large, annual symposium, short and long-term study abroad programs, and faculty working groups that have built and improved university offerings. 

As Dean of Operations and Technology, I work with our faculty to administrate the curriculum of the university, including managing the course schedule and the University Bulletin, which is the foundational document outlining the university's regulations, practices, and its curriculum each year. As part of this, I take the leadership role in all curricular processes at the university, including the assessment of departments and programs, the assessment of general education requirements, approval of courses, requirements for majors, minors, and pathways in new and existing academic programs. I also serve as the representative for Academic Affairs in several technology-related committees and taskforces, advocating for the interests of faculty and students.

From 2018-2022 I chaired the Department of Sociology & Anthropology and served as the director of the Luce Initiative on Southeast Asia and the Environment (LIASE) Southeast Asia Symposium, as well as the fieldschool program leader for Indonesia where I have directed seven short-term study abroad programs. I directed Puget Sound's year-long Pacific Rim Study Abroad Program and serve on its planning and assessment committee. I have chaired or co-chaired Puget Sound's International Education Committee (IEC) continuously since 2018, and have served as a member on it most years since 2009. I have also served on our Faculty Senate and Experiential Learning Faculty Advisory Board (ELFAB). 

Below is my best effort to catalog my more prominent service roles.

Academic Service: Appointments, Roles, and Projects