Research Interests

Above: The Pacific TV Manado broadcast tower and satellite reception dishes. The station was a case study in my research on regional, Indonesian television in non-Muslim-majority areas of the country.

My research is focused on different intersections of neoliberalism and cultural representation in and of Southeast Asia. My earlier work focused on mass media producers in Indonesia, and how they negotiate that country's deep divisions, particularly religious cleavages, to associate national or regional identity with consumption. My current work examines short-term study abroad at U.S. universities, and has focused on market-driven representation of culture, the role of provider agencies in shaping curricula and framing, related administrative exigencies in higher ed, the construction of intercultural competence and related metrics, as well as pedagogical best practices. 

An updated list of my publications along with full-text copies can be found on my Academia profile here

Selected Publications

Updated June, 2023

Research and Publications in Development

Selected Recent Conference Presentations and Invited Lectures