Nau mai, kuhu mai ki te pae tukutuku o Te Kāhui Tēina.

Welcome to Te Kāhui Teina webpage for Te Kāhui Tēina - Pīpī Paopao, Pīpī Hei Hei, Pīpī Manu Ao.
Pā mai ki te pikitia i raro nei kia whakauru ki te whārangi akomanga. Click on the picture below to take you to your classroom website.
Mehemea he pātai āu, me tuku īmera atu ki te kaiako o tō tamaiti.If you have questions, please email your child's teacher.

Te Kāhui Teina

Whaea Teia

Whaea Cherrelle

Whaea Caroline

Āwhina mā ngā mātua- Te Reo Māori learning sites

and simple Ipad tutorials for parents:

Google Meet:

Karakia NgātahiRāhina - Rāmere

Google Meet:

Wā AkoPīpī Paopao

Google Meet:

Wā AkoPīpī Heihei

Google Meet:

Wā Ako Pīpī Manu Ao

How to get to the Kahui Tēina website on the ipapa

How to grab a screenshot of anything and write on it on the ipapa.

How to support your tamaiti with te reo Māori at home

He kiriata tamariki:

Whakaata Māori - Māori TV

Ako mahi Ipapa: Learn to use the Ipads