Did you know Salish Coast Elementary is an Ocean Guardian School?

We are Ocean Guardians because we are committed to protecting our watershed, which means the streams, rivers and ocean around us.

Here are some ways that our garden is helping us with that mission!

Runoff Control

Have you ever noticed steam of water running down a road during a rainstorm? That is rain water runoff. When rain hits hard roads, sidewalks and buildings, it doesn't go into the ground below. Instead it runs down the streets into drains that go into our rivers and oceans. Sometimes, this water picks up pollution like motor oil or pesticides that are harmful to the environment.

Watch the video below to see how all of the water from the watering can will end up in the storm drain.


Gardens will help stop runoff by soaking up most of the extra water into the soil. This keeps the water from running into the street and storm drains. The roots from the plants will even help clean some of the pollution out of the water!

Watch the video to see how the garden can slow down the water runoff and soak it up.


We're Organic!

Our garden is organic, which means we don't use chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Instead of chemical pesticides, we use natural ways to keep the pests out of our garden, like attracting ladybugs that will eat aphids, or simply picking the slugs out of our garden and relocating them to the forest!

Instead of using chemical fertilizers, which helps plants grow by giving them more nutrients or plant food, we use small amounts of natural fertilizers like kelp! This way, when some of the fertilizers gets into the soil, it won't be harmful to the environment or watershed.

We also make our own compost from our garden waste, which helps feed our plants in our garden, so we don't have to add too much fertilizer of any kind into our garden.

Think about other ways that the garden might help protect our watersheds, or ways that you are being an Ocean Guardian in your own life.

All of us can make a difference in keeping our streams, rivers and oceans clean and healthy!