6th Grade

September 25-30 (delayed due to Hurricane)

Chapter 1 Lesson 1 in the textbook

We are studying the Tools and technics of studying history.

We will be reading this article and learning about Cause and Effect. Here is the link to the story Titanic

We will be learning how Historians account for time

We will be learning about the different types of historians

Finally, we will be learning about Lucy, the skeleton discovered in 1974

Zoom Classes

Weekly Schedule for Zoom Classes

6th Grade

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Time: 9:30-10:15

Zoom Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71248152179?pwd=dks3akRIUmpldUFDWG9saU4xQkk1QT09

Zoom Passcode: 692929


6th Grade needs to ensure that they check Google Classroom Daily for assignments.

  • When you are assigned work, you receive an email.

  • Make sure that you turn in your work after you have completed the assignment.