State Leadership Seminar, Denton TX, June 2020

Sophomores, Are you looking for an opportunity to develop leadership skills, meet new people from around the state of Texas, represent Pine Tree High School and get out of town for a few days next summer?!?!?!

Each year PTHS selects one sophomore to attend a state leadership seminar in Denton, Texas the second week of June. HOBY empowers high school sophomores to recognize their leadership talents and apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their homes, schools and communities. The selected student attends a three or four-day seminar to participate in hands-on leadership activities, meet leaders in the sate, and explore their personal leadership skills.

To apply, please complete the google form below. If you have additional questions, please contact me, Mrs. Soltau in the counseling center.

**NOTE: the application process for June 2020 will open on/around November 5. The form will remain open through November.