2nd Grade

Math Challenges

Our Math Challenges unit is a fantastic collection of engaging activities for our second grade GRO students. Essentially, problem solving at its best!

Topics visited throughout this unit may include string art, calculator problem solving, pentominoes, tessellations and tangrams!  We will also play an array of different math games that can help enhance memory, speed up mental math skills and assist students in understanding basic game theory concepts. 

These activities, along with the unit project of creating their own math challenge, will help GRO students become effective thinkers and communicators in the field of mathematics.

Math Challenges Additional  Resources:




In this unit of study, 2nd grade GRO students will be embarking on a geographic exploration. They will be studying a specific destination, researching problems that area has encountered, analyzing solutions to those problems and creating an awareness campaign to bring this area the needed attention it deserves. Throughout the unit, we will utilize problem solving and creative thinking as we explore mapping skills, examine necessary items to bring on the expedition, and researching, analyzing & evaluating some of the environmental concerns of their chosen locale.  

Coral Reef

Arctic Tundra

Amazon Rainforest

Explorations Additional  Resources:


Online Resources

District GRO Curriculum

For more information about the district's GRO curriculum please click on the above link.