Compare and Contrast

Read a range of texts and make comparisons between books

Pick one of the tasks that relates to what you are learning this week after reading with your teacher.

Comparing Reading Log

Venn Diagram

Comparing Table

  1. Read your story/article for the week with your teacher
  2. Fill out the table of questions about the story/article that you have read this week.
  3. Once you have more than one book in this table compare these to other stories/articles that you have read with your teacher.
  4. At the end of the term - how many of your stories or articles are similar? How many are different?

Presentation about your story/article

  1. Read 2 stories/articles with your teacher.
  2. Make a copy of this presentation and add all of the journal details in each section.
  3. Answer the questions for each book then compare the settings, characters, theme, plot and more.

Comparing Feelings

  1. Read your story/article for the week with your teacher
  2. Think about all of the main characters in your story/article.
  3. What feelings are they showing when you have read the story/article?
  4. List down each of the characters feelings a a brief description on the character. Are any of the characters feeling or showing similar behaviours?

Compare and Contrast Cards (digital)

This exercise is to help you compare different things such as foods, animals, jobs and sports. You will need to pick a randomly selected pair and compare and contrast these two items.