Rising Reading Achievement


This is a site that I have designed for my readers who are reading between the ages of 7-9 years. I have followed the colour wheel reading intentions that we use at school. I believe that these are the standard ones that are used across schools. I have attached a link at the bottom to these reading intention. I have noticed a trend across my 3 years teaching in a year 6 classroom that many of our learners are struggling to make movement in these levels and have come up with a way to have activities that can help students make progress in these levels. I have primarily focused on the colours purple, gold and silver as these are the levels that of my learners this year.

About Me:

I am a 3rd year teacher working in a shared space with 2 other teachers at Pt England School in Glen Innes, Auckland, New Zealand. My learners are in a 1:1 chromebook classroom. This year I have been working with my learners to create a fun and engaging space for us to learn to love reading. My learners in my reading group called the T-Rex group are reading between the ages of 7.5 and 8.5 and we have been working on new ways to engage in our learning and to make progress with our reading. My learners have created videos of themselves reading journal articles and stories which can be accessed on this site.

Usage of the site:

If you would like to use this site for your learners please feel free to either just use the site from here or email me at kparrant@ptengland.school.nz and I can give you a copy of the site which you can modify for the use of your learners.

Adding Resources

I hope that this site can be one where extra resources are added over time. If you have any resources that you would like to add or have any suggestions please also feel free to email me at: kparrant@ptengland.school.nz