Ora Aviezer, PhD

Associate Professor

Tel Hai Academic college, Department of Psychology

Latest Publications

Other Official Positions

Aviezer, O., Vibb, T., & Golden, D. (2021) The Junk Yard in Kibbutz Kindergartens: Teachers perspective on an educational practice. In A. Gan (ED.) Kibbutz Education – Past-present-future. Published jointly by: Hakibbutz Hameuchad pub, Mofet pub, Seminar Hakibbutzim & Yad Tabenkin.

Referee for Scientific Conferences

The International Society of Infant Studies (ISIS)

The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD)

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

Reviewer for Scientific Journals

Infant Mental Health Journal.

Journal of Adolescent Research.


International Journal of Behavioral Development

Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Parenting: Science and Practice

First Language

European Journal of Psychology of Education

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

Child Development