Where we study


Course Schedule for 2024


Course Activities in Italy

June 16 (travel)

Participants join us at the Osservatorio Geologico di Coldigioco (OGC; link).  There is access to local train stations (Castelplanio) from Rome or Ancona 

June 17-June 29

Based at the OGC. Field work in central Italy, including Acquasanta thermal springs, Grotte Frasassi, field exercises studying platform carbonates and possibly the Cretaceous Cenomanian-Turonian Bonerelli event. Excursions will also include the Cretaceous-Tertary boundary at Gubbio, and a day of recreation at the Adriatic coast and in the city of Ancona.

July 1

Packing, lab and OGC dorm clean up, and final evening gathering at OGC

July 2 (Travel)

Group travels together, via Rome to State College, PA USA

Course Activities in the US

July 3 - July 15 (Penn State, PA; Green Lake, NY)

Laboratory research activities on the Penn State campus, with a trip to Green Lake for additional field sampling.  July 4 evening -- US Independence day celebrations in State College; July 10 -- rest/recreation activities; finalize data and lab clean up July 15

July 16 

"The Hydrogen Ecosystem" Mini-Symposium 

July 17-19

Data interpretation, data analysis, and modeling activities, and related project development activities; recreation activities; possibly stay at an off-campus facility (tbd)

July 20

Research presentations by student groups; clean up;  celebratory dinner

July 21

Departures from State College, PA

Osservatorio Geologico di Coldigioco (OGC) 

Green Lake, New York

 Penn State University


Photo credits: J. Macalady (banner and OGC), M. Ingalls (Green Lake), Penn State (bottom)