Hunter Education and Outdoor Living

Webber Middle School is *the only* school north of Denver which offers Colorado Hunter Education as a free course of study, available to any interested 7th or 8th grader, as an integrated part of the school day.

In the remote learning environment, the 12 hour, hands-on course has been replaced with a 6-8 hour online course. This is the first time this course has been offered in this format, free of charge. Students will be provided access codes and will proceed through the course at their own pacing for approximately two weeks, though actual times may vary. There will be no live fire testing in order to successfully earn their Colorado Hunter Certification Card.

As part of this class, we *may* necessarily explore concepts, including photos and videos, which will cover all aspects of hunting, including the safe and efficient processing of big game. These units of study are completely optional ans students may opt out at no penalty and without judgement.

After the successful conclusion of the course, the class will pivot to critical outdoor skills, such as knot tying, survival skills, shelter making, among others. Units will be added to the course over time.