2nd Grade PE





Lesson 5 Week 5

1.Student connection time

2.4 Corners of fitness working on balance and changing directions, elevate heart rate, challenge themselves. The students can use anything to mark a small square area in front of the computer. I will demonstrate different movement patterns. The kids will repeat the movement patterns 3x’s each movement. 1.ft apart in back together in middle apart in front of square, retrace footwork back to start repeat 2.Jump to all 4 corners and reveres repeat 3.All 4 corners on one ft, reverse and repeat 4.make the letter Z forward and backwards repeat 3x’s 5.Make the letter M forward and backward, repeat 6.Jump to middle and spin, jump to front and spin, reverse and repeat 7.Side hops around outside of square, reverse and repeat

3.Fruit-My plate video-½ of plate should be fruits and veggies, 5 food groups

-Why fruits are important in our diet, What’s the difference between a Fruit and a Veggie

What is a cucumber, spinach, tomato, green pea

-Make fruit smoothie-banana,mango,pineapple,almond milk and blend-make into a popsicle or drink as a smoothie. Keep eating fruit fun.

-Get some other smoothie ideas from the kids.

Lesson 4 Week 4

1.Protein-remind kids what protein is and why it is good for you. Have them grab some protein to show the class. The idea is that the kids begin to see all of the sources of protein so they can make healthy choices.

2.Activity:-Kids will work on under or overhand throw using soft touch.

Towel fold challenge: Demo the difference between throwing with touch and mustard (soft and hard). Demo challenge-lay out a towel and take 5-10 steps back away from the towel. 2 jumping jacks and toss an object (ball, stuffed animal, sock) onto the towel, if it lands on the towel run up and fold the towel in half. Back to the throw line 2 J.J. throw again if the ball lands on the towel fold again in half. Repeat for three folds. Then repeat 3x’s unfolding the towel. That represents completing the challenge one time.

Time a round for 3 minutes how many times can they complete the challenge.

Nutrition lesson to end class

Need a gallon jug, pitcher, two cups and a funnel

Hydration Lesson

Place 1 gallon jug of water on a table and ask kids to hold up hand. I’m gong to start counting put hand down when I get to the # of gallons of water you think are inside the body. Our body contain 10-12 gallons of water.

Body is made up of 60-75 percent water.

Water helps with

1.Creates saliva in the mouth 7.Helps the body absorb nutrients

2.Regulates body temperature 8.Protects tissues and joints

3.Need water so we can sweat 9.Improves circulation of oxygen

4.Need water to go to the bathroom 10.Fights of illness

5.Need water to exercise

6. Helps digest food

-Talking points:The harder we exercise the more we sweat and need even more water

-We lose a little more than ½ a gallon of water each day. Thru-going to the bathroom, sweating, breathing just normal everyday activities.

-Pour a little more to show the loss of sweat if working hard. Then demonstrate how many cups of water it takes to fill the jug backup at least 8 10 or more to be on the safe side. Then demonstrate a 123 save some for me drink at the drinking fountain. That doesn't even equal a full cup. It would take 16-20 of these drinks a day to fill your water back up.

-Think about how much water you drink each day. It will make you feel better, give you more energy, better mood, less hungry all the time, can move better in sports, and your brain will thank you because you can think better

Week 3 lesson-Throwing and catching

1.Find something soft to throw and a target to throw at ie. cereal box or a pillow

2.Catching-1.one handed tosses and catches, 2.Alternate hands 3.Walk and catch 4.Claps and catch 5.toss take a step a catch repeat how many steps can you get and make the catch 6.Showtime-behind back, between legs anything you want to do to show off

3.Throwing-Demo stepping in opposition and pointing front side shoulder and elbow to target

4.Set up target and practice throwing

5.One minute to get as many target hits as possible

6. Intro protein-what is it and how does it help the body. Examples. Protein video

Week 2 Lesson-Juggling

1.Warmup-Favorite Character

2.Checked HR after warm ups and asked kids to describe where their heart rate was at.

3.Plastic grocery sack juggling.

1.one hand dominate hand tosses 2.Non dominate had toss 3.Two hand together toss

4.Alternate two hand tosses 5.Two bag circle toss 6.Two bag X toss

Challenges-1.How many jump catches with one bag in 30 sec 2.How many jump catches with 2 bags in 3 sec. 3.Toss bag how many Jumping jacks with a catch 30 sec 4.Throw up touch the wall how many in 30 sec 5.Throw a ball at the parachute-how many hits in 30 sec.

5.Recheck HR

6.Joke of the Day.

Learning Target:I am learning to juggling two bags

Success Criteria:I tried my best to juggle two bags

Week 1 Lesson


2.Demo-Learning pages and Seesaw

3. Seesaw activity-"Take a picture"

4.Seesaw activity-Which activities make your heart work harder

Learning Target #1:I am learning how to use Seesaw to complete a PE activity

Success criteria #1:I completed both Seesaw activities.