(feel free to share this link/document with anyone in PSD)

Mystery Science lessons are open-and-go. Simply gather a few common materials and you can start teaching right away. Each Mystery begins with a question that is explored through engaging video and stimulating discussion questions. Through video-guided hands-on investigations, students solve the Mystery.

Brand new to Mystery Science? 

Need supplies for a mystery? Check out the supplies available for order through the PSD warehouse and contact Deb Swartz to order. 

Mystery Science has added some new mysteries over the summer of 2023 and the materials needed for the new lessons were not included in the spring order.  Click here to see the new mysteries and what materials you might need to gather to bring the lessons to your classroom.  Many of the materials can be found in your school or ordered through the warehouse.

Trying to align your resources?  Here are some possible MS sequences with the EL Modules.

Trying to align your resources?  Here are some possible MS sequences with CKLA .

Trying to align your resources?  Here are some possible MS sequences with Wonders/Maravillas .

Mystery Science alignment with Discovery Education Science Techbook

Click on document and scroll down to view all aligned units.


Mystery Science Resources

Mystery Science Workshop 11/19/19

If you have any questions, please contact Mystery Science at support@mysteryscience.com or Laura Grissom or Dawn Donahue