8th grade Pottery

Welcome to 8th grade Pottery! Below is information about the class. Please email me (femami@psdschools.org) if you have any questions.

Course Description

This is a course offered to all 8th grade students and is designed to build their artistic skills, creativity, and personal voice through the creation of ceramic artworks. Units we have done in the past include coil cups, functional objects, air plant pots, anthropomorphic creatures, tea pots, abstract works, piggy banks, and various other projects. This course is challenging and is designed to prepare students for Pottery in high school. In many projects choice will be given so that all students have ownership and accountability over their learning. The philosophy behind this class is that all students have creative capabilities that can be developed and explored through the process of visual art making.


Last year Boltz Middle School switched from the Standards-Based Grading Framework to Cumulative Points Based grading for all 8th grade students. This change is intended to aid 8th graders in their transition to high school. In Art, student’s grades are a cumulation of projects and assessments including but not limited to; sketchbook checks, quizzes, critiques, artist statements, gallery walks, etc. All assessments are student driven and allow for students to reflect on their own artistic practice and make personal goals for their learning. Grade points breakdown as follows: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 59 and below.