
Transition Planning

Transition, as defined by the IEP, refers to an organized set of activities to help students prepare for their future role as an adult and the responsibilities associated with adulthood. The transition process begins when a student receiving special education services is 14 years of age, or younger if appropriate. With mandatory student attendance at their IEP, the IEP team begins to discuss, plan for administration of vocational assessment and interest inventories, and assist the student in setting future goals in the areas of high school, post-secondary education, vocational training, daily living skills, housing, recreation, community involvement and employment. At age 16, the Office of Rehabilitative Services begins to attend the IEP meetings to plan for future agency support for transition and employment.

Helpful Links:

RI Parent Information Network Northern RI Collaborative

(401) 270-0101 (401) 721-0709

(800) 464-3399