Welcome to the 

Student personnel services Department

286 Main Street (Door 7), Pawtucket RI 02860

Phone: (401) 729-6382   Fax: (401) 729-6546

***Parents may choose to hold an IEP meeting either In Person or virtually.

Director of Student Personnel Services: 

Dr. Mark Andrade

Special Education Assistant Director: 

Toni Gravel

Special Education Assistant Director: 

Karen Macbeth

Special Education Coordinator: 

Kellie Carr

Administrative Supervisor: Joanne Arruda (401) 729-6396

Clerk: Patricia Kunhardt  (401) 729-6348

Clerk: Maciah Souliere  (401) 729-6382

Preschool Evaluation Team:  (401) 729-6512

The Pawtucket School Department fully recognizes the Regulations Governing the Education of Children with Disabilities as adopted by the Rhode Island Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Education June 3, 2010. 

As stated in 300.1 of the regulations, The purpose of these regulations is –

Definition of a Disability 

A child with a disability is defined in section 300.8 of the regulations as:


A child, aged 3 to 21, evaluated in accordance with sections 300.304 through 300.311 as having mental retardation, a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), a serious emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism spectrum disorder, traumatic brain injury, an other health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who, by reason there of, needs special education and related services.

Identification of a Disability 

A student who has a suspected disability can be referred to the school’s evaluation team by a parent or teacher. Upon receipt of the referral, the evaluation team must meet within 10 school days to discuss whether additional testing or data collection is needed.

The evaluation team also must determine if exclusionary conditions for determining a disability exist.  Such conditions could include. But not limited to, lack of schooling (past history of poor school attendance), environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. 

Program Service Models 

Once a student has been identified as having a disability, an IEP (Individualized Educational Program) must be written.  The IEP is written by the IEP team which consists of the parent, student if applicable, student’s general education teacher, the special education teacher, related service providers if applicable and a representative from the school or school department. All IEP teams must consider the least restrictive environment when determining the services that will be provided.  The program is determined by the IEP team.

Reporting and Assessment of Student Progress 

Student progress is measured following the same policy as students without disabilities.  In addition, parents will also receive progress reports based on the student’s progress toward achieving their IEP goals.  These progress reports will be sent home at the same time that report cards are issued. Students with disabilities participate in all state assessments.  The student’s IEP team determines whether an alternate assessment is required. 

Parent Involvement 

The Pawtucket School Department encourages parent participation.  Parents should participate in their school’s School Improvement Team as well as other activities sponsored by their school.  In addition, there is a district–wide Special Education Advisory Committee in which parents, who have children with disabilities, are encouraged to participate.