
iPads at Home.pdf


IPad does all that. And then some.

Why iPad?

Pattonville students in grades K-8 are assigned an iPad to personalize learning, have access to digital learning resources, and allow students to be creators of digital content.

Ways to Get Creative using the iPad at Home

Grades K-5

Create a video using the Clips App. Great for creating video gifts for family, remembering a special event, showing off your child's talent, or just having fun!

More about Clips

Use the Clock app for setting reminder alarms or setting timers. This can help little ones, learn to manage their time! Even for screen breaks!

Read digital books from the Pattonville Library!

Use the KEYNOTE app to add shapes to tell a story or create animations. Students can add pictures and record themselves talking on the slides.

|----------------------- Grades 6-8 also have these options -----------------------|

Make music together using Garageband. The iPad is an instrument!

(Can be installed from the Manager App)

More about Garageband

Record a Voice Memo of encouraging messages for your child to listen to if they are having a bad day and just need to hear a parent's voice. Or have students make voice reminders to themselves.

Create a book with audio using Pages. You can add pictures, handwriting or handdrawn illustrations, and text.

More about Pages