PowerSchool Information

What is PowerSchool?

PowerSchool is our online student information system. It allows you to see end of term grades and attendance in "real time" or live data. Parents must set up their own account via the Parent Portal to view their students.

How do I get a PowerSchool account?

If you have not had a PowerSchool log-on before, you will need to bring a photo ID to the high school to establish your account. You will be given an access ID and password. You will use these codes to create your own personalized log in.

All parent/guardians MUST create a new account. On the login screen, select “create account” at the bottom of the screen. During the set up, you will be asked for your student’s access ID and access Password. This feature allows you to have your own user id that you create and allows you to link all of your students with one sign on. For more detailed instructions, click here.

Click here for the parent login screen: Parent PowerSchool Login

What can I see on PowerSchool?

You can view your child’s attendance, service hours, historical grades and course requests for the next school year. Important announcements are also listed in the “daily bulletin”.

How do I see grade detail and/or any missing assignments?

Parents need to create an observer account on CANVAS. Create a parent CANVAS account: CLICK HERE

I’ve tried calculating my child’s grade and it seems higher than what is showing. Why is that?

Assignments are set up into categories which can be weighted differently such as quizzes/tests, homework etc. These assignments can carry different percentage points towards the final grade. Each teacher sets up their own weightings and vary by department. The final exam is weighted according to the guidelines set by each department, usually 10-20% of the total grade. If you simply add all the assignments and divide by the total points possible, you will not get an accurate grade. For questions with specific grades, please contact your child’s teacher.

How do I email the teachers?

Click on the teacher name link which will open your default email program.

We are parents that live apart. How can we both get a copy of our child’s report cards or other information?

Contact the guidance office to get put on the duplicate mailing list for your child. Currently, this option only allows for duplicate mailings on report cards and any discipline letters.

If you need additional help with PowerSchool, please contact Tomi Benney at 314.213.8051 or tbenney@psdr3.org