Personalization in Pirate Academy

 What is Personalized Learning? 

Many people have heard the phrase "personalized" learning thrown around, but the phrase itself is often ambiguous and nebulous in meaning. Continue reading below for information about what personalized learning IS, as well as what it is NOT. 

  What Personalization Looks Like In Pirate Academy

Key Instructional Elements Videos


Problem Based Learning {VIDEO}

Writing Workshop {VIDEO}

Flex Time {VIDEO}

Blended, Interdisciplinary Learning {VIDEO}

Whole Child Learning & Class Meeting {VIDEO}

Competency Based Learning & Specific & Immediate Feedback {VIDEO}

Socratic Seminar {VIDEO}

Self Assessment {VIDEO}

Challenge/Honors/Enrichment {VIDEO}

Promoting Learner Agency {VIDEO}


Students as Leaders {VIDEO}


Math Workshop & Reassessment {VIDEO}