Education Professionals


MOdel Schools Conference Summer 2023

Participants in this session will learn about Pirate Academy's model of personalized, competency based learning and consider ways in which they may take steps toward using personalized and mastery based learning to close learning gaps and help all students succeed. 

Pattonville Pirate Rally  

Spring 2022

This session will provide some clarity for educators around the purpose, philosophy, pedagogy, and programming of Holman's Pirate Academy, as well as provide concrete examples and strategies for teachers to take back to their classrooms. These strategies will help teachers reconsider the paradigm of learning, shifting from a system that views education as something that happens TO students and, rather, becomes something that learners actively engage in and, eventually, take ownership of, preparing them for future success.

The Institute for Personalized Learning  2022 Convening

Click HERE for the presentation recording. 

Participants in this session will experience a live presentation about Holman Middle School’s Pirate Academy launch. Pirate Academy is a personalized school within a school program in a legacy practice middle school. In this session, participants will hear from the Holman Middle School Principal, Dr. Sarah Moran, as well as the two founding teachers, Dr. Emily Difani (Math, Science, Intervention) and Mrs. Maegan Bowersox (ELA, Social Studies, Reading Intervention). The presenters will specifically explain the three stages of implementation: 1. Preparing to Launch | the why and the who, 2. How Pirate Academy operates and key instructional practices, shifts, and pedagogy, and 3. What personalized learning looks like in Pirate Academy. 

MOASSP 2022 Spring Conference

Participants in this session will experience a live presentation about Holman Middle School’s Pirate Academy launch. Pirate Academy is a personalized school within a school program in a legacy practice middle school. In this session, participants will hear from the Holman Middle School Principal, Dr. Sarah Moran, as well as the two founding teachers, Dr. Emily Difani (Math, Science, Intervention) and Mrs. Maegan Bowersox (ELA, Social Studies, Reading Intervention). The presenters will specifically explain the three stages of implementation: 1. Preparing to Launch | the why and the who, 2. How Pirate Academy operates and key instructional practices, shifts, and pedagogy, and 3. What personalized learning looks like in Pirate Academy. 

The Institute for Personalized Learning  2022 Convening

In this session, you will receive information on strategies that are implemented in Math and Science at Pirate Academy, a school-within-a-school at Holman Middle School.  Primary focus for Math will be on the development and implementation of Math Workshop and flexible pacing as well as the incorporation of PBLs in a personalized model.  The presenter will also provide information on Learner-Driven Assessments and Pacing while incorporating a collaborative lab-based approach to Science.  

Adding It Up Conference 2018

Participants will experience a Project-Based Lesson (PBL) before examining the components of an authentic PBL and the process necessary to plan and execute it.  Participants will dive in to creating their own PBL and common pitfalls/concerns when jumping in.

Pirate Academy Resource Bibliography 2023
Click HERE to visit the Institute's website. 

Personalized Learning Coaching

Each member of Holman's Pirate Academy has gone through year long one-on-one and small group coaching with a representative from the Institute for Personalized Learning, as well as engaged in site visits to schools implementing personalized learning in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. 

Ready to schedule a visit?

Fill out a

Pattonville Personalized Learning Visitor Request


Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Our goal is to help schools transition from legacy practices to instructional models that light the flame of engagement with authentic, transferrable learning in frameworks designed with the learner, the WHOLE learner, at the center of every decision. 

We are available to answer your questions via email or Zoom. 

Math & Science Questions: or 

ELA & SS Questions:

Administrator/Building-Wide Systems Questions: