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The One Best Thing Showcase

It's Virtual. It's Live. It's Free.

Apple Teacher Program

February 22, 2024

Jennifer Orton, Instructional Technology Facilitator, shares how Lincoln County uses the Apple Teacher resources to building capacity among their teachers.

Personalized Learning

March 08, 2024

Tammy Hasheider, Greg Southard, Eleanor Taylor, and Margaret Hall from the Pattonville R-3 school district share the work their district has been doing with Personalized Learning and, specifically, how teachers at their high school are leveraging peer coaching to create a strong network of teacher leaders to expand personalized learning at PHS.

Webinar Handout

New Teacher Onboarding and Support

April 12, 2024

Alex Van Delft and Becky Barnhill share how Knox County School District supports new teachers during their first, second, and third years of teaching. Two teachers will also share their experience going through the program.

S.T.E.A.M: The Tiger Way

May 10, 2024

The Dean of S.T.E.A.M.,  Melissa Zeiszler, from Omaha Public Schools shares how Kennedy Elementary has increased attendance and student engagement with their use of iPads, Project-based Learning, and S.T.E.A.M. Curriculum. 

Interested in sharing your district's One Best Thing or a site visit to one of the featured schools

Email contact@gosharemo.org