Humanities & Social Sciences

HUMSS: where everything is debatable!

About us  Senior High Department  ‣  Academic Strands  ‣  Humanities and Social Sciences

Are you an aspiring writer? Lawyer? Or an influencer on any form of media? Do you wish to learn a lot more about Religion, Writing, Politics, Arts, and Communication while simultaneously discussing all kinds of Philosophy? To make a change in yourself and others; to be better through psychology? Well, come join us, and discover the opportunities and the ingenious ways of studying in our strand: Humanities and Social Sciences. 

11 - Zirconium

Zirconium can be a disorganized zoo, however when there is a need for order they will really be in order and work with each other. The mixture of STEM and HUMSS offers an interesting class dynamic. Overall, Zirconium may not be as united but it is a heavyweight in terms of brain power.

12 - Cadmium

"Cadmi-Hi! We’re the class representing the HUMSS of the senior high level. Though we’re only 12 in the room, our energy can withstand sections with three times the students. Without us, there wouldn’t be any handy writers to clutch a script that’s due tomorrow or a fast talker that helps extend deadlines. Well, we’ll be seeing ya! Whenever there’s a performance you see in school or a student winning a competition, it’s probably from our class. Cadmi-Bye!"