The Program


There is no event without a program.

Behold, the masterminds behind this Celebration of Learning's live presentations:

About us  ‣  Production Teams  ‣  The Program Committee


Giving acknowledgment to the teachers who led the group, Dr Dhang Abu Khazna and Ms. Eva Roca, together with the ever-so-reliable members of the Program Committee, the Celebration of Learning (COL) of S.Y. 2022-2023 went well without a hitch. The committee, hosting several members notorious for being great leaders, ensures the senior high students that they have the skills and talents to back up the fact that their reputation indeed precedes them. Being able to organize both people and events outstandingly and having captivating communication skills that help in tasks that require cooperation and coordination, COL would not have gone as well as it did, were it not for their immense contributions.