Book Cover

Blue Jeans

Depressed is the connotative sense of blue. The title is all about a pair of jeans that seem to have a blue feeling about oneself.

The I’ve Never Had Home

Home is a place where people live, but it implies a sense of belonging, warmth, friendship and love. The title refers to a journey to discover a home.

Cracking the Skyscraper Code

A skyscraper is a high-rise structure, but it also indicates the hurdles in achieving your aspirations at the very top. The title is about you encountering the tower’s stories before reaching the peak.

A Chocolate for Every Weak Heart

A heart that pumps blood can be fragile that longs only for the sweet creamy goodness of warm chocolate.

There was a Small Girl

A child is full of dreams and imagination that even a small girl has the chance to make a big change. She will bring happiness and magic into the world.

A Cobra’s Plan to Conquer the World

Anyone can be a sinister predator who is clever, patient, and silent, waiting for the right time to strike its prey.