Meet The Team

Allen Vidas Rosima

Project Manager

He has been in the teaching academy for 17 years. This is his 3rd year in the Philippine School Doha Senior High School. He is formerly affiliated as Master Teacher in the Department of Education. He graduated with his Doctor of Philosophy from STI-West Negros University in the year 2017. He loves outdoor activities particularly trekking, hiking, and fishing. He is a Wood Badge Holder of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and an Expat Scouts Coordinator of Qatar Scouts. He fancies books of adventure such as Iliad, True Martial World, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Odyssey, Daedalus, Greek Gods, and a lot more.

Hans Jelo Magtira

Project Director

He is an aspiring computer engineer. Well, he binges on nonfiction, podcasts, and documentaries -especially the crime genre ones. Kind of nerdy, isn't it? He loves music since he plays his guitar on some of the days. Definitely an aficionado of tech, especially Apple. Other than that, he is just a simple guy with a big goal: fulfilling long-term success. By the way, he's more of a tea guy, specifically a Twinnings guy.

Patrick Lawrence Gomez

Associate Director

He is a future graduate of BS in Computer Science. Determination, hard work, and perseverance are his main values in order to achieve his goals. Motivations are important for us to avoid derailing from the path to our goals. He understands this and makes his family and God almighty as his main motivations.

EJ Angelo Gamboa

Creative Director

He’s an avid K-Pop and K-Drama stan who practically looks at the news through Twitter and Instagram. Being outspoken is something he believes in, especially when he knows that he is fighting for what is right. He aspires to be an information systems graduate, but who knows? After all, he’s just your average overwhelmed adolescent who isn’t sure about the decisions he’ll make. But one thing’s for sure, he wants to live a successful and fruitful life, leaving no regrets behind.

Mielle Francine Perez

Social Media Manager

She is an aspiring Doctor. She can be found gracing the pages of Human Anatomy, watching K-drama, or sharing memes on Facebook. In her free days, she dances and acts cute in front of a mirror, pretending to be a KPOP idol (spoiler: she failed miserably). Jokes apart, she's captivated with the idea of upgrading her life in every aspect. She seeks God's will in all she does and trusts His plans.

Virgil Paolo Lopez

Social Media Associate

An optimistic student, he hopes to one day be able to fly high like a bird and achieve a specific goal, how ever unrealistic it may seem, of eradicating all of the problems in the world. Other than that he still has doubts about his future, choosing between engineering or a medical related course to pursue in life. The only thing that he is sure of within his heart is that he truly loves a certain someone; Minatozaki Sana, his bias from his favorite k-pop girl group, Twice. He slips away with his time by watching tiktok videos on his favorite phone application, tiktok, and sometimes joins along with the challenges he discovers on tiktok. He believes time is the most precious treasure you can ever have and so he lives his life to the fullest, makes the most out of everything and have no regrets.

Niño Angelo Contreras

STEM Strand Designer

He is an easy-going, optimistic person that has a definite love and passion for playing Video Games, he spends most of his time practicing Coding and playing with his friends, He wants to pursue a degree in Game Development and Game Design, with this, he hopes to someday make a game that would Introduce his name to the world.

Nathaniel Dado

STEM Strand Designer

A man with ambition and dreams for the future!... is what he would like to say. He is just trying to experience as much of the world as he can and enjoy the little things around it. Definitely on the tech-savvy side, he enjoys working with electronics and finding out how things work. He plans to take a BS in Aerospace Engineering with inspiration of the wonders of the universe. In the future, he hopes to be able to look back on his life with a smile on his face.

Aldwin Jonel Cabanos

ABM Strand Designer

Aldwin Jonel C. Cabanos is a Grade 12 student of Philippine School Doha and studies under the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, which focuses more on financial-related topics. He aspires to study accounting in college and work as a financial accountant in his future career. His interests include piano, table tennis, choir singing, gaming, and web design. His role in design, layout, and resource gathering for the ABM webpages led to a notable contribution to the COL Website.

Mervin Kianne Flores

ABM Strand Designer

Mervin Kianne T. Flores is a Grade 12 student of Philippine School Doha and studies under the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, which specializes in finance-related topics. He aspires to study Accounting in college and is pursuing to become an Auditor or Financial Analyst as his future career. His interests include guitar, basketball, writing, gaming, and music. His role in collecting and compiling the content needed for the ABM webpages lead a significant contribution to the Celebration of Learning Website.

Tristan Anthony Leanda

HUMSS Strand Designer

Tristan Anthony T. Leanda is a Grade 12 student of Philippine School Doha and studies under the STEM strand which focuses on teaching students on four disciplines-Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. He strives to study Engineering in college and work as a Mechanical Engineering in his future career. He is a person who will do what he needs to do but not do what he doesn’t need to do being responsible about his time and saving his energy when he needs it. His role as the designer and coordinator of the HUMSS website has lead to great contributions to the overall design of the COL website.

Mohammad Cedrick Mala

HUMSS Strand Designer

He is currently a Grade 12 student of Philippine School Doha under the strand of STEM that focuses on the students' learning and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. He is an aspiring Civil Engineer in the future. He believes in Master Oogway's quote that "yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called the present". He strives to work hard and learn from his mistakes to achieve his goals in life.

Nathan Fitzgerald Ungui

GAS Strand Designer

Nathan Fitzgerald A. Ungui, is a current senior high school student at Philippine School Doha taking the strand of General Academic Strand. This school year he has achieved the championship of the league of JAPA sports club and has joined many activities in school that is related to sports, for that he has a plan to go to the top universities in the Philippines to be able to play with them and hopefully get to the Philippine Basketball Association. He was a top achiever during his elementary days, on that time he was also a chess player and got to play on a district meet.

Arvin Vivas De Mesa

GAS Strand Designer

He is currently a senior high school student at Philippine School Doha studying under the General Academic Strand. He wants to be a future Technology Specialist. He believes that by working hard anything is possible. He is interested in technology and wants to build his own technology in the future. He likes reading novels and sports, such as baseball and basketball.

Ryle Sirach Gison

GAS Strand Designer

He is a guy who that has a great appreciation for everything from video games to web design. A s an intuitive individual, he can use his imagination to solve various problems with creative solutions. What's unique about him is that his skills are dynamic. When he is assigned a job that he hasn't been able to do before, he favors to quickly learn the ability and adapt quickly.

Aaron De Guzman

GAS Strand Designer

Aaron Christian O. de Guzman is a grade 12 student at Philippine school Doha currently taking the General Academic Strand. He enjoys joining in numerous competitions like the battle of the bands (taking back Thursday) and the ultimate dance battle (DOH-SUZU). He plans to study in the Philippines and take BSAMT as his course at ALIAC. He is athleticaly inclined and plays basketball and volleyball and he is musically inclined and plays numerious instruments.

Chazlord Vidal

GAS Strand Designer

He is currently a Senior High School student of Philippine School Doha under the strand of General Academic Strand. He has an appreciation for art and on video games and aspires them to become a Multimedia Designer, Graphic Designer, and a Game Developer. He hopes on the valuable morals and mistakes of his past life and enriches to its full potential.

Justine Ross Vitan

GAS Strand Designer

Justine Ross G. Vitan a Senior High School student that takes the strand of General Academic Strand (GAS). He is a top achiever during his intermediate days and also a great artist that he won in the drawing contest back then when he was in grade 8. He is also dedicated in his basketball career that he manages to be sent to Oman to play with the other opponents and defend his team. He also had the chance to compete within the other regions in the Philippines 3x3. He is now being scouted at National University to be the next recruit of the team.