1. Intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies

2. Machine learning in transportation systems

3. Smart Manufacturing, Industrial Robotics and Automation

4. fatigue life of bridges

5. Industry 4.0

6. Cyber Physical Production Systems

7. Data Analytics Models for Mechanical Systems

8. Artificial Intelligence and IoT Technologies

9. Automatic Control Systems & Modern sensors for ICT

10. Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure

11. Smart Grid Innovation, Technologies and Cyber security

12. Renewable Energies and Technologies

13. Power Electronics and Power System Automation

14. Image, Voice Searching & Video Systems and Emerging Applications

15. Processor Architecture & Hyper Efficient Networks

16. 5G Communication in Human Machine Interaction

17. VLSI & Electronic Design Automation

18. Smart, Autonomous and Embedded Systems for ICT

19. Metamaterial inspired 5G Antennas Design

20. AI & Big data in Health care technologies

21. Virtual reality, IoT and big data & Context sensitive systems (CSS)

22. Fatigue life identification using Data Science and Machine Learning

23. Cloud Computing & Green Computing

24. Networks and Information Security

25. Digitalization in higher education

26. Data Mining & Data Visualization

27. Functional materials for human machine sensory systems

28. Nano science and technology for human machine integration

29. Advances in physics for stimulating human machine interaction

30. Modelling chemical reasoning to predict and invent reactions.

31. Artificial Intelligence and optimization techniques of Synthetic chemistry

32. Drug discovery, synthesis and Artificial Intelligence.

33. Chemistry and Molecular machines.