
What is Conservatory?

In Conservatory, every PSB student studies an instrument in 4th grade, is part of a large instrumental ensemble or chorus in 5th grade (many continuing on the instrument they began in 4th grade) and gets to choose from an array of six different instrumental, vocal or digital music classes in grades 6 through 8.

It is the program of study where students have the most choice in their entire elementary school education, and the growth and learning that they experience in Conservatory goes well beyond musical skills, as students practice and refine work, collaborate with others working in ensemble, express themselves creatively, and experience joy in the learning process!

Our 4th through 8th grade Conservatory program in the Public Schools of Brookline is a truly special and distinguished part of every Public Schools of Brookline student's education.

Click on the buttons below to learn more about Conservatory for each grade level: