Canvas New Course Template

Canvas courses are created based on the class schedules listed in Aspen, Brookline's student information system. The empty course shells that are created are now use the Brookline Template. The template is designed to make it easier for students to navigate courses. 

Starting in SY23-24, course shells will be generated with the new template. The default template features a frame for an embeddable Google Slide presentation. Many Brookline teachers have found the embeddable Slides to be an easy way to provide students with a weekly agenda. The slides can be updated in a Google presentation that's always displayed in the embedded slides. Teachers can also choose to a Home Page with a table of weekly activities. 

The templates include a "Getting Started" module with an introduction to Canvas for new students, a brief quiz on Canvas basics for returning students and a student survey to help teachers learn about enrolled students. The Template includes recommended settings and student navigation links.

Teachers can also opt not to use the template and simply import and update content from previous courses. However, teachers should be sure to include the basic elements of the template which are based on best practice. 

Most importantly, teachers should delete all the template notes in yellow before publishing for students. 

Template with Embedded Google Slides

Template with Activity Table

The Brookline Template features easy and consistent icons to ease student navigation.