Zoom EDU

Zoom for Education

Teachers who have registered for Zoom with their @psbma.org Gmail are part of Brookline's Zoom EDU agreement. Teachers can gain additional features with a Zoom Licensed Account. If you are a teacher, you can request a Licensed account from the Digital Learning Specialist

IMPORTANT:  When using a video conference with students, teachers must use this PSBMA email associated Zoom account .

Before Starting a Classroom Meeting:

Read the latest best practices from Zoom.

Video Conference Tips 

Zoom Video Guides and Resources

PSB Zoom Guidance: Complete Document

Zoom Meetings for Education:  Recording of November 2020 webinar. A very comprehensive guide.

Tips for Running Zoom Meetings A guide for teachers. 

Three ways to Schedule a Zoom Meeting

Zoom Breakout Rooms on the Fly: Split a Zoom meeting into separate sessions. 

Zoom Guide for Students: Share this with new students

Look Better in Zoom: Simple lighting tips and more

Zoom Help Center: Find answers to your Zoom questions