Book Creator

Book Creator is a website and iOS app that allows students to create books, comics, and other and many other interactive and engaging digital projects. Students can publish completed books online and share with selected audiences.

Brookline teachers should create an account at and then contact their school based ETS or Reading Specialist to learn how to create libraries that can extend the 40 book limit.

Getting Started

Getting Started: A collection of articles from Book Creator

Getting Started with Book Creator: From Holly Clark

Chromebooks support Book Creator. This messages appears if a student has changed the Chromebook resolution. Use the keystroke combination Shift + Ctrl + 0 to reset the resolution and launch Book Creator.

Learning More

50 Ways to Use Book Creator in Your Classroom: A Book Creator Book

Become a Book Creator Certified Author: It's easy and a great way to learn about all of the features of Book Creator

Shared Practice