Driscoll Pets

A read aloud of Dear Girl for stuffed animals.
- Cassandra, gr.3

"Maple the betta fish studies up on fellow sea creatures."
- Julian, kindergarten

"Roxie reading to a stuffed animal class."
- David and Faith, gr.3 and gr.5

"Oskar was fascinated by cats and was a huge fan of Jon Klassen's work, so this was one of his favorite books!"
- Ms. Reid, librarian

Jacques the Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides), reading Sparrow to some toy animals.
- Ms. Klatzker

"Shannon enjoys reading books about other animals, like this story of a baby hippo and a tortoise", Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship.
- Ms. Sullivan, gr. 2 teacher

Pepper, reading The Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale. "She'll read any genre but needs a lot of help turning the pages :)"
- Ms. Kuniholm, gr.3 teacher

Wesley, owned by Mr. Cochin, gr.7 & 8 social studies teacher

Morty & Gus, reading Peanut Goes For The Gold. "They love a good Shakespeare play and usually try to make any book they read a snack! :)"
- Ms. Hart, gr.7 & 8 English teacher

"Ronita loves to curl up in her bed with a good book and highly recommends this one!"
- Ms. Harvey, gr.2 teacher

Hertha, owned by Jonas, gr. 3

Roman and Dixie, reading Hero. Owned by Katherine, gr.8

"June's recent favorite is Idea Jar but she also loves anything written by Mac Barnett!"
- Ms. Snow, gr.1 teacher

"Maple is currently engrossed in her studies of string instruments from India while Moses prefers to listen to Rumi read-alouds."
- Ms. Cecchini, K-8 music teacher

"Bunny prefers reading books with bunnies."
- Ellie, gr.1

Willow, reading Bravetart: Iconic American Desserts. "She prefers cookbooks so that she can dream about yummy treats."
- Grace & Micah, gr.2
& gr.4

Marshmallow Rocket, reading "Hallo-what?", about his favorite holiday, Halloween. "He's reading....definitely not trying to eat the pages..."
- Keaton, kindergarten

Fezzik, owned by Olivia, gr.6. "Sometimes he likes to take a nibble out of a book!"

Bruno, reading Graven Images. "He is a big history buff! Poor guy needs a haircut!"
- Ms. Longmore, secretary

Lily "always picks Big Bird and takes it outside to read."
- Wang
Laoshi, K-5 Mandarin teacher

Wolf-gang A. Mozart, reading Spy School. Owned by Arik, gr.5