Baker Pets

"Dolphy loves poetry and basketball." - Rayna, gr.4

Bailey - "I think this dog loves Harry Potter!" - Ethan, gr.4

Arnold, owned by Ms. Cuff, guidance counselor

"Boris also enjoys reading poetry" - Ms. Diamond, town-wide library assistant.

Charlie, Reagan and Murphy, sharing a copy of Dork Diaries. "They are such good readers."
- Shannon, gr.5

Kona, reading Dragon Breath.
- Donato, gr.4

Lona, reading Really Important Stuff My Dog Has Taught Me.
- Ms Gorski, Occupational Therapist

Ruger, owned by Caitlin, gr.5

"Snow and Dash like sports. They like historical and realistic fiction." - Raina, gr.4

Telly, reading Red.
- Ms Harris, gr.3 teacher

Wally, reading Veil of Shadows.
- Roger, gr.4

"Willie likes short chapter books about animals."
- Sebastiann, gr.4

Nacho, owned by Ms. Gonyer, librarian

"Maggie likes to read with her stuffed bunny, Gravy."
- Peter, gr.

Daisy, reading Cats of the Louvre. "She likes manga and cat stories."
Peter, gr.3

Colbert, reading FIRSTS: Women Who Are Changing the World.
- Addie, gr.5

Mandy, Duke, Dougie and Maya, reading Tinga Tinga tales: Why Monkeys Swing in the Trees
"These brother dogs like reading about fiction animals"
- Zeyna, gr.1

Roxy, reading The Little Matchstick Girl.
- Mia, gr.4

Mickey, reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle. Owned by Raj (gr.3) and Jay (gr.1)

Honey, owned by Nina, Gr.5. "The book that she is reading is just about her and was made just for her."

Pink Bear, "My bear loves The Dork Diaries Series. She especially loves the book in the series called Puppy Love!"
- Sama
ntha, gr.3

"Ponyboy prefers to read on her owner's bed and reads chapter books. She is a very smart cat because she reads 30 chapter books and she’s only 6 years old."
- Lucy, gr.3

Minmi, reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
- SA, gr.3

Mutsy & Zebree, reading Harry Potter books. "The real readers have enjoyed listening to the first three Harry Potter books during the school closure!"
- Ms. Fairley, gr.3 teacher

Coco, reading Dog Man, prefers "Graphic books because Coco can't read characters."
- Bella, gr.3

Toallita (little towel), reading The Spy Next Door: Mutant Rat Attack.
- MC, gr.3

Honey, reading The Princess in Black.
- Carolina, gr.3

Chocolate Chip, reading My Weird School.
- Carolina, gr.3

Murray, "He likes to read Harry Potter."
- Claire, gr.3

orB, owned by Zane, gr.7

"Luna has come a long way from eating books as a small puppy. Now there's nothing she loves more than cozying up with a good book in a sunbeam."
- Chloe, Sadie, Peter, gr. 4 & 7

Petey, owned by Faez, gr.3. "He goes through them like cabbage so we need more!!!!!!!!"

Sydney, owned by Isabel, gr.4

io, reading The Beyonders. "She enjoys fantasy and adventure stories the best."
- Isla and Calvin, gr.7 & gr5

Stella Luna-Palooza, "an avid life style reader, while also being a big fan of belly rubs and long walks in the park."
- Isabella, gr.8

Gloria, reading Scat by Carl Hiaasen. owned by Kate, gr.5