3rd Grade

The 3rd grade teachers are using Google Classroom to share resources with students and parents.

If your child has not connected to the Google Classroom, please reach out to your child's teacher for the classroom code. Only registered students and families will be able to access the classroom through the buttons below.

Ms. Demont

Fridays: 10:00-10:30 through Zoom

(see email for password)

Literacy Team

Thursday 1:00-1:30

(by invite only)


Mon|Wed|Fri 1:30-2:00 through Zoom

email alex_borns-weil@psbma.org for password.

During this time, Ms. Tierney, Ms. Guerra, Ms.Baum, and other related services providers will be in direct contact with students they serve. If your student has an IEP, be on the lookout for resources from these teachers!