
Brookline High School's MUN Conference for Middle Schoolers

What is BrookMUN?

BrookMUN is a model United Nations simulation conference for 6th - 8th grade students in the public schools of Brookline.  The conference is run entirely by Brookline High School students under the guidance of their advisor.  Since 2008, BrookMUN has offered this debate opportunity for Brookline's middle schoolers so they can begin to experience the exciting world of international politics and negotiation. Check out our FAQ page with any additional questions!

Conference Schedule

May 11, 2024

9:00-9:30: Registration

9:30-10:00: Opening Ceremonies

10:00-11:00: Committee Session I

11:00-11:15: Snack Break

11:15-1:00: Committee Session II

1:00-1:45: Lunch

1:45-3:30: Committee Session III

3:30-4:00: Closing Ceremonies


The address of the high school is 115 Greenough Street, Brookline, MA.

Please arrive at the atrium with enough time to park and collect materials before Opening Ceremonies. There is some parking available near the school on residential roads.

BrookMUN does not require any additional field trip forms; however, please fill out any forms needed by your own schools or organizations.

Check out our FAQ page with any additional questions!


The BHS MUN will provide a pizza & salad lunch as well as snacks during the breaks. We can accommodate gluten-free and dairy-free dietary needs, but if you are at all concerned, we recommend packing your own lunch.

Please make sure to indicate any allergies or food preferences when registering your delegate.

Conference Preparation


To register your student for the conference, please complete this google form.


Please visit our FAQ section.

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