
Data Privacy Laws

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA is a Federal law that guarantees parents have access to their child’s education record. It also restricts who can access and use student information.

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

COPPA is a federal law enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. COPPA controls the information that online companies can collect from children under 13. The law requires vendors to obtain parent consent before collecting data on children under 13. School officials can provide approval on behalf of parents, but only if the app or tool is used in an educational context.

Teachers cannot give consent on behalf of parents. Only school administrators who are authorized to sign contracts can provide consent to vendors on parent's behalf.

You can learn more about COPPA in this .pdf :

COPPA 101 For Educators from iKeepSafe

Photo by stem.T4L on Unsplash

Educator Resources

FERPA|Sherpa For Educators from FERPA/Sherpa

Educator Toolkit for Teacher and Student Privacy from the Badass Teachers Association