Registration Information

Elementary - Elementary School - New York City Department of Education

Elementary School


Elementary Admissions Overview

Elementary education prepares your child for success in school and life. Start your child’s journey in NYC public schools by participating in three elementary school admissions processes: Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Gifted & Talented.

Pre-K: Apply the year your child turns 4.

Kindergarten: Apply the year your child turns 5.

Gifted & Talented (G&T): Apply when your child is in pre-K, Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.

Additional Services: Enrolling in school is the first step—learn about other DOE services available to help your child succeed in school.

Dual Language

P.S. 20 is proud to announce its Dual Language Enrichment Program.

Our uniqueness is what makes our community so beautiful. Bi-Literacy and bi-culturalism is a gift we can offer the children of today to help them excel throughout their lives.

Dual Language classes receive Standard driven instruction in two languages. The goal of the program is to produce bilingual and bi-literate children. Our program is founded on valuing both languages and cultures equally to grow children who can speak, read, write and learn in English and Spanish and celebrate the cultural achievements, traditions and values of their backgrounds.

To request more information call 718-442-4110.