ARTS & Athletics
In an effort to ensure all students at PS 29 are well-rounded individuals, we provide a multitude of opportunities for students to participate in the arts and athletics during the school day.
Visual Art
The visual arts curriculum is designed to provide elementary students with the basic skills necessary for art production. Students participate in activities that promote their creative, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
Drama education enhances communication skills, builds self-confidence, and promotes collaboration among peers. Students are encouraged to use their imagination to make creative choices.
The dance curriculum includes opportunities for students to improvise, choreograph, and perform dance movements. This class helps children improve their strength flexibility, stamina, & range of motion. It also helps with their concentration & memory and can improve their communication skills!
Music stimulates both sides of the brain simultaneously by using the right hemisphere’s creative liberty to add expression, improvisation, and inflection in each performance while also using the left hemisphere’s analytical portion to break down advanced rhythm’s and honing in our fine motor skills.
The technology curriculum promotes critical thinking and problem solving through various online and offline tools. It is designed to teach children the skills needed to be successful 21st century learners.
Physical Education
In physical education students learn why physical activity is important, and how it benefits them not only today, but for the rest of their life. Students participate in a wide variety of physical activities such as cooperative games, team-building, traditional sports, non-traditional sports, and fitness activities.
We also offer many clubs for students to participate in such as:
Drama Club
Dance Club
Art Club
and more!