These are web design principles which designers should keep in mind when creating and updating websites.

"Responsive Web Design is like making a puzzle that fits together on any size table. Whether you're looking at a website on a big computer screen, a tablet, or a small phone, the pieces adjust to fit perfectly." 1

2. Purpose and Clarity

Every website has a purpose, whether it's to inform, entertain, or sell products. The design should always cater to that purpose. Users should be able to quickly understand what a website is about and what they can do on it.

3. Typography

The choice of fonts and text layouts can significantly affect the usability and aesthetics of a site. Students should learn the basics of font choice, text hierarchy, and legibility.

4. Color Theory

Color can influence a user's emotions, perceptions, and actions. Contrast, complementary colors, and the psychology of colors to help web designers make effective design decisions.

5. Usability and Navigation

A website should be easy to navigate. Students should understand the principles of clear site structures, intuitive navigation bars, and the importance of a home button.

6. Visual Hierarchy

This principle involves organizing and prioritizing content through size, color, and placement. It guides the users' eyes to the most important information first.

7. Consistency

Maintaining a consistent design helps in making the website predictable and user-friendly. This includes consistent use of colors, fonts, buttons, and other design elements.

8. Simplicity

Avoid unnecessary elements or content. A clean, uncluttered design often leads to a better user experience.

9. Image Selection and Optimization

Choose high-quality, relevant images for designs. Understand the basics of image optimization to ensure faster loading times without sacrificing quality.

10. User Feedback and Iteration

Web design is not just about creating a site but also refining it based on user feedback. Usability testing, collecting feedback, and iterating based on user needs are important ways to improve web design.