
These are resources relating to vocabulary terms we are learning in our middle school web design class.

Term                 Correct Definition

Internet             A global network of computers and devices

Packet               A small chunk of data sent over the internet

Router               A device that forwards packets to their destination

Path                 The route data takes over the internet

Network              Computers connected to share data

Data                 Information transmitted over the internet

Address              Identifier for a device on the network

Protocol             Rules for communicating over the internet

Bandwidth            Maximum rate data can be transferred

Download             Receiving data from the internet

Here are the top 20 vocabulary words and definitions from the transcript, in a formatted table with plausible incorrect answers:

| Term | Correct Definition | Incorrect Answer 1 | Incorrect Answer 2 | Incorrect Answer 3 |


| protocol | An official procedure or system of rules governing affairs, communications, etc. | A medical procedure | A social etiquette | A legal document |

| architecture | The underlying structure or framework of a system | The design of buildings | A style of art or decoration | The profession of designing buildings |

| persist | To continue firmly or obstinately | To annoy someone | To not give up | To argue |

| evolution | A gradual process of change and development | A scientific theory | A sudden mutation | Growth in size |

| packet | A bundled group of data sent over a network | A parcel or bundle | A suitcase | A small amount | 

| congestion | The state of being overcrowded or blocked | Traffic jams | Overpopulation | Stress |

| fleet | A group of vehicles operated by an organization | A fast ship | An armada | Airplanes |

| shuttle | Transport back and forth between two points | A short trip | A space vehicle | Weaving cloth |

| fault tolerant | Able to operate properly even with faults or errors | Forgiving of mistakes | Not working correctly | Full of faults |

| redundancy | Something that is duplicative or not necessary | Extra or surplus | Repetition | Safety through backups |  

| inventory | A complete list of items | A warehouse | Supplies | Accounting |

| acknowledge | To confirm receipt or recognition of something | To show gratitude | To validate | To respond |

| scalable | Able to be enlarged or downsized easily | Can be climbed | Weighable | Graphable |

| interrupt | To break the continuity of something | To stop briefly | To interfere with | To disconnect |

| standard | An accepted model or requirement | A flag or banner | A measure of quality | A physical object | 

| destination | The place to which someone or something is going | A travel goal | The end of a journey | A tourist site |

| assemble | To put together into a whole | To gather in one place | To build | To collect |

| email | Messages sent electronically over a network | Paper letters | Text messages | Social media posts |

| chat | An informal conversation | Gossip | A verbal discussion | A casual talk |

| sensor | A device that detects and responds to physical stimulus | A seeing or feeling organ | A measurement tool | A safety mechanism |

| device | A mechanical or electronic apparatus | A machine or tool | A strategy | An invention |