Frequently Asked Questions

How many books can my student check out?

Students in grades K-1 can check out 2 books at a time.

Students in grades 2nd-5th can check out 3 books at a time.

When are books due?

The computer marks all items overdue that are kept out for more than two weeks. If you would like to keep any items longer than two weeks, please come to the library to renew them. The library does not charge fines for overdue items.  

A weekly email is sent out on Sundays to notify parents if there are any books that are overdue on your child's account.  Please note, the email is just a courtesy reminder to start looking for the book(s) and return it as soon as possible.  

What happens if an item is lost or damaged?

Students will be asked to submit payment for lost or damaged items depending on the repair or replacement cost of the book. Our library team will contact you with pricing, if necessary. You are welcome to replace the exact title of the book from Amazon, but it must be in hardback format.

How can parents get involved?

The library is always looking for volunteers! Contact Mrs. Hamilton or Mrs. Tackman if you would like to help on a regular basis with shelving, book repair, or creating displays. We also have special events, such as Book Fair where we need volunteers.  Click here to sign up to volunteer in the library.