Library Information

When can I visit the library?

  • The library is open Monday-Friday from 7:45am - 2:45pm.

How many books can students check out?

  • Students in 2nd-5th grade can checkout out 2 books at this time.

  • Students in Kinder and 1st grade can checkout 1 book at this time.

When are books due?

  • All books are due when you have read them through! Some students choose long books that take a couple of weeks to read, other students like shorter books that may only take a day or two to read. Please return books as soon as you are finished, since others may be waiting to read them.

  • The computer marks all items overdue that are kept out for more than two weeks. If you would like to keep any items longer than two weeks please come to the library to renew them. The library does not charge fines for overdue items.

What happens if an item from the library is lost or damaged?

  • Lost or damaged books must be paid for in order to clear student records. Students will be asked to submit payment for lost or damaged items depending on the repair or replacement cost of the book. We order our books through a library company that has library bound books and sends us the books pre-processed. You may submit payment for lost or damaged books by cash or check made out to Light Farms Elementary.

What do students learn in the library?

  • Research shows that children learn best when they can access information at the point-of-need. Our library program is an extension of the classroom and information skills are taught within the context of the classroom curriculum. All students in Kindergarten through 5th grade participate in research, hands on learning, digital citizenship lessons as well as learning how to self-select just right books for independent reading. Our goal is to help students to develop the skills necessary to locate, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and communicate information and ideas.

How can parents get involved?

  • The library is always looking for volunteers! Contact Mrs. Nored or Mrs. McBreen if you would like to help on a regular basis with being a Legacy Reader, shelving, book repair, or creating displays. We also have special events, such as Book Fair where we need volunteers.