Grading & Homework

Justify Defend Prove math strategies.pdf
Nov 1-5

Students in second grade will receive numeric grades as outlined below:

100-90%= A

80-89%= B

70-79%= C

69% and below is a failing grade.

● Students will have one opportunity to redo or grades if they score less than a 90% on the first attempt. Students may earn a maximum grade of a 90% on the second attempt.

  • Students will have one opportunity to redo or retest if they score less than a 90% for a major and/or summative grade, which can include tests, performance tasks, in-class projects.

  • This opportunity is available after the student conferences with the teacher to seek guidance on study strategies, receives corrective instruction and/or additional feedback.

  • Students may earn a maximum grade of a 90% on the second attempt.

  • The second attempt must be completed by the end of the week following the initial assessment.

Parents will be notified when a student is going to receive this “re-do” opportunity. We will communicate this in your child’s binder. There will be a pink slip of paper attached to the “redo”assignment.

Late Work (due to excused absence) ● 1 day will be provided to complete work for each day absent without a grading penalty. (For example: if 1 day is missed, make-up work is due in 1 day; if 2 days are missed the student has 2 days to makeup the missed work; etc.)



The attached work is part of our REDO POLICY. A maximum grade of 90% will be recorded if the points are earned.

Please sign and return this with the completed assignment.

X _____________________________________