This page compiled week ending Friday, 27th Jan 2017
Long term personal research seems to show that most people don't expect the male/female divide to balance any time soon (let alone the abuse that goes long with it). People are seeing 100 and 200 years as the sort of figure for when a better way might be achieved. 50 years seems to be the earliest. At the moment the situation seems to be worsening, or at the very least showing up in the world in it's true colours.
50 years?
5 million people were involved directly, on the ground, in the #WomensMarch on January 21st 2017
----note added 21st July, 2017----
Earth Day started with 20 million people on the ground:
On April 22,1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss of wilderness, and the extinction of wildlife suddenly realized they shared common values.
NB This will be rewritten until it makes sense to most people!
For more up to date stats go to
Google Search for womansmarch
Says 42,000,000 returns which is 8.5 hits for each person ON the, nearly 700, marches Worldwide
- this does not include other references to sistermarch which Google says rated 434,000 hits.
"women's rights" pulls in 21+ Million hits
According to its website, V-Day's vision is "a world where women live safely and freely." 11.3 Million hits
if not only the walkers but everyone, globally, who believes in all or part of this 'battle' could feed their stories of why they are in support of this action into a setup that understands what they are saying. Their input would be fed in mainly by voice. Voice allows for real time counting of individuals (through the use of Biometrics) who have a stake in this need for change. Stress and emotion gauging along with every other algorithm that it's possible to use are also run in order to understand as fully as possible.
Try giving people a day to say what they need to say about, life, the Universe and everything - or about women's rights or legalisation of cannabis... or whatever. Then publish a report about your findings - you could also send back a personal answer to those who wanted it letting them know what you found from their words. Are they ill? Are there patterns of abuse? What do they REALLY think about whatever the subject is?
Eve Ensler & her organisation One Billion Rising are in touch with over a BILLION people who have been abused or who want to help stop abuse - Imagine if it was EASY to add that number into any event KNOWING you actually had that amount of real support on that day, based on voice biometrics. That alone would change the metrics of the fight forever. IMAGINE at the next event having over ONE BILLION verifiable ACTUAL PEOPLE with their own stories to tell, many supportive, many horrific...
Now imagine that all the petition sites, all the charities involved with anything that are related to rights were all also involved for that event.
In fact let's include ANYONE who can be found via their interests and beliefs who would willingly add the weight of their true feelings behind this.
So, how many is that?
Now how about getting Facebook, Google, IBM themselves, HP, Samsung, Apple. Nestles even? Why not Goldman Sachs? Hell! Why not get the whole Fortune 500, or 1000, to add their weight behind this? It is time they showed their true feelings too.... isn't it? When I spoke directly to people in Fortune 100 companies they all wanted to help build something that could help and liked this idea.
Now, we could try pretending this is CRAZY DIFFICULT!!!! Or even NAIVELY MAD AND SAD :-( Far too large! Far too complex!
Of course it's complex. And Global is after all GLOBAL so I suppose that is large. BUT IT IS EASY! Well, it would be if you were part of society. It would be if you were a 'proper professional'. It would be if you could cope with people (all of which I am not and don't do well!).
And if you knew how amazing the technology of now is, especially when combined! ALL of the technology is being used now. It's time for GIANT Mashup making....
And the easy part comes when you realise that the whole setup is already being used by everyone mentioned above already! The Fortune 500 use this kit, different taxonomies and more but the same kit I talked to them about using for this purpose. They say it will work.
for instance, did you know that (I am glad you survived Dag Kittlaus!) first understands what is being said to it then, in as close to real time as makes no difference, writes an algorithm that accomplishes what needs to be done in order to achieve what was understood from the words fed in.
"human rights" was more interesting at 187 Million
Are these good numbers? This is just for the English word, minus the plant - 141 Million
7 Million hits for "domestic abuse" ...
20.6 Million hits for "violence against women"....
38.3 Million hits for "child abuse"...
link to a petition started 3 years ago contacting a number of people who were, at the time, involved with
1+ BILLION hits for trump...
As for love 25 BILLION HITS!!!! YEY!!!
or hate at 662 million - I like the ratio of 25 Billion to 662 Million...
or, simply, home 13.5 Billion
and as for the word porn... 2 Billion+
Did you know that, 3 years ago, a 17,000 core super computer was on offer, for free, for FULL use for two days linked up with the interest of a Smithsonian Laureate and others who offered to help to build a trial bit of kit for us all so we could get better help when we needed it and also work the future on an equal level with ANY of the institutions of the World, whether that institution is a Very Large Country or anything on the way down the scale of power and influence. IBM WATSON AND HP Autonomy were on offer too! Plus so much more! Crisis Trends aims to empower journalists, researchers, school administrators, parents and all citizens to understand the crises Americans face so we can work together to prevent future crises from happening. There you are IBM Watson - a chunk of useful info that could help quite a few people in the world of today
"Letting people know how modern technology could be used to help anyone. projectbrainsaver's #HeForShe
One seventh of the World population. One billion women and girls abused
Quote from One Billion Rising For Justice
"Our stories have been buried, denied, erased, altered, and minimized by patriarchal systems that allow impunity to reign. Justice begins when we speak, release, and acknowledge the truth in solidarity and community. ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is an invitation to break free from confinement, obligation, shame, guilt, grief, pain, humiliation, rage, and bondage."
We live in a modern world with amazing communications, both visual and audio, with even more amazing and intelligent computing power that can be used to add a set of new 'tools' that would help sort out the iniquities of a biased system.
These tools can be apps, they can be web based. They can be at the end of an ordinary phone. IBMWatson or HPAutonomy cored... maybe? Maybe the new ?
It listens. It understands. It's in your corner.
It won't give up. It won't let things slide. It's on top of ALL the legislation and ALL the medical information.
and it can get to know you really well if you want it to, it likes being helpful (-:
5 years to get RESPECT & BALANCE for women back as part of everyone's everyday life?
or 50... or 100... or 500 years...
or never?
#HeForShe #GPVDI #voiceIT #projectbrainsaver #OneBillionVoicesCrying #rise4justice "
"Say what you like about ANYTHING you want to.I'm just going to listen and analyse every single thing you are saying... I will even be listening to the silences ... I will also be building up a picture of your voice so that you can dial this number again from anywhere in the world and as you start talking I join you up with your data whilst fully taking on board any emotions that I have the algorithms to hunt out and know well enough to stake my electrons on. OK?"