Drug Safety Alerts

Attention (ALERT)!

Audience: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Some Valsartan Containing Medicines Recalled in Europe; According to European Medicine Agency (EMA), Valsartan containing medicines having origin of active substance from Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, Linhai, China are being recalled. N-nitrosodimethylamine, a cancer-causing agent has been found in them. Pharmaceutical manufacturers and importers in Pakistan, thus should review their formulations and take other stakeholders in supply-chain and consumers in confidence. In case such active substances are being used by a manufacturer, Provincial Drug Control Unit Punjab should be informed.

Note. Healthcare Professionals and consumers are encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of any pharmaceutical product to Provincial Drugs Control Unit Punjab through mentioned URL: mss.punjab.gov.pk

Drug Safety Alerts,

Provincial Drug Control Unit,

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department,

Govt. of the Punjab