Drug Safety Alert

Tablet Rozen (Cetirizine Dihydrochloride) 10mg, Reg. No. 040161, Batch No. 8D534, Manufactured by M/S Rasco Pharma, Raiwind Road, Lahore has been declared Sub-Standard and Adulterated!

This batch of medicine has been declared to be Sub-Standard and Adulterated by the Drugs Testing Laboratory Punjab. The Provincial Quality Control Board Punjab has ordered to recall the batch from market. All retailers (Pharmacies, Medical Stores), Wholesalers, Distributors, Health Facilities are directed immediately to stop dispensation and updates to respective regional Drug Control Authority regarding their current inventory and consumption record of the above-mentioned batch. All consumers (Patients, Healthcare Professionals) are directed to stop immediately the use of above-mentioned batch as they may pose risk to health.

Drug Safety Alerts,

Provincial Drug Control Unit,

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department,

Govt. of the Punjab