Drug Safety Alerts


Following Batches of Medicines have been declared SUBSTANDARD by the Drugs Testing Laboratory Punjab subsequently prosecuted by the Provincial Quality Control Board Punjab.

1. Susp. Paracetamol, 111, British Pharma

2. Marvlon-D, 030F, Ali Industries

3. Tablet Movera 15mg, 15K327, Mega Pharma

4. Syrup Artijesic, IB124, Medisearch Pharma

5. Syp. Munapol, DQ-193, Munawar Pharma

6. Susp. Butamin, 410160, PDH Pharma Lahore

7. Inj. Tcinox, 687009, Geofman Pharma

8. Susp. Chloramphenicol, CP-035, Ameer Pharma

Drug Safety Alerts,

Provincial Drug Control Unit,

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department,

Govt. of the Punjab