
Team members in the conference: G.Yu. Kulikov, M.V. Kulikova.

Title of communication: Numerical solution of the neural field equation in the presence of random disturbance.

Team members in the conference: W. Wojtak

Title of communication: Numerical analysis of the shape of bump solutions in a neuronal model of working memory.

Team members in the conference: W. Wojtak.

Title of communication: A novel dynamic field model supporting a continuum of bump amplitudes: Analysis and applications .

Team members in the conference: W. Erlhagen

Title of communication: , Offline simulation inspires insight: A neurodynamics approach to efficient task learning

Team members in the conference: P. M. Lima and W. Wojtak.

Title of communications: Numerical investigation of a neural field model including dendritic processing and Neural field model of matching law behavior .

Team members in the conference: P. M. Lima.

Title of communication: Numerical solution of stochastic neural field equations

17-19 September, 2019, Munich, Germany.

Team members in the conference: W. Wojtak.

Title of communication: Neural field model for measuring and reproducing time intervals .

Team members in the conference: G.Yu. Kulikov, M.V. Kulikova.

Title of communications: Numerical Simulation of Neural Fields with Finite Transmission Speed and Random Disturbance, Effective Numerical Solution to Two-Dimensional Stochastic Neural Field Equations.

Team members in the conference: P. M. Lima.

Title of communication: Numerical approach to Neural Field Equations in the presence of random disturbance.

Team members in the conference: W. Wojtak, F. Ferreira.

Title of communication: A dynamic neural model for endowing intelligent cars with the ability to learn driver routines

Team member in the conference: Ana Cunha

Title of communication: Towards Endowing Collaborative Robots with Fast Learning for Minimizing Tutors’ Demonstrations: What and When to Do?

Team members in the conference: W. Wojtak.

Title of communication: A neural field model of continuous input integration

Team members in the conference: P.M. Lima

Title of communication: Applications of Neural Field Equations to Working Memory

Team members in the conference: M. Kulikova

Title of communication: . Accuracy Study in Numerical Simulations to Stochastic Neural Field Equations,

Team members in the conference: Ana Cunha

Title of communication:Towards Collaborative Robots as Intelligent Co-workers in Human Robot Joint Tasks: what to do

and who does it?

      • Minisymposium in the frame of SPM meeting (ENSPM 2021) , 12-16 July 2021. Organizer : W. Erlhagen.


P.. M. Lima, M. V. Kulikova, G. Yu. Kulikov, Erlhagen, Mathematical Modeling of Working Memory in the Presence of Random Disturbance using Neural Field Equations.

T. Sequeira, Numerical Simulations of Two-dimensional Stochastic Neural Field Equations with Delay.

W. Wojtak, A novel Dynamic Field Model Supporting a Continuum of Bump Amplitudes.

Flora Ferreira:. Rapid learning of complex sequences with time constraints: A dynamic neural field model

Team member in in the conference: F. Ferreira

Title of the talk : Rapid learning of complex sequences with time constraints: a dynamic neural field model.

Numdiff 16, Halle (Germany), September 6-10, 2021.

Team member in in the conference: P.M. Lima.

Title of the talk: Stochastic two-dimensional neural field equations: numerical approximation and applications to working memory.

21st International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, September 13-16, 2021,

Team members in the conference: W. Wojtak

Title of communication: Towards endowing intelligent cars with the ability to learn the routines of multiple drivers: A dynamic neural field model

30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2021) , September 14-17, 2021

Team members in the conference: F. Ferreira

Title of communication: Dynamic identification of stop locations from GPS trajectories based on their temporal and spatial characteristics

25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, October 20-23, 2021, Iași, Romania

Team member in in the conference: M.V. Kulikova (online)

Title of the talk: Reconstruction of hidden states in stochastic neural field equations with infinite signal transmission rate.